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Hope Elizabeth May

I am a Professor of Philosophy at Central Michigan University where I teach a variety of classes. I also hunt for buried treasure found in the shipwreck of positive history. From found treasures, I spin a variety of educational products into existence such as: A Grotian Moment, Forward Into Memory, The Bertha von Suttner Project, and this podcast, Virtues of Peace. Here I am with a very big scrapbook, kept in the stacks of the Peace Palace Library, which contains thousands of U.S, newspaper clippings about the 1907 Hague Peace Conference.

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Taylor Ackerman

I am a proud graduate of CMU ('16), where I first learned about the peace movement, international justice, and human rights. I continued to focus my academic inquiries on international justice at NYU, from which I graduated with a masters degree in global affairs. I am currently attending NYU Law School. That's me in the National Archives of the Netherlands, where I stumbled upon Lenore Selenka's beautiful submission of numerous petitions of women to the 1907 Hague Peace Conference.

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Michael Buzzy

I am an undergraduate student at Central Michigan University double majoring in Political Science and Philosophy. At CMU, I am an Honors student, an Honors Program Teaching Assistant, a Writing Consultant for Central Michigan University’s Writing Center, and Treasurer of CMU’s Book Club. I first became aware of and interested in the Peace Movement and Positive History after becoming a student of Hope May in 2020. I assist in running the various social media platforms for Ethics-Talk/Virtues of Peace. After my undergrad is complete, I plan on pursuing a Fulbright grant and attending law school.

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Randall Olson

Outside of my involvement with the Cora Di Brazzà Foundation, I wear three hats. First, I operate as the Vice President of the Theosophical Society in Detroit. Second, I am employed within the archives at Oakland Community College, where I also study Cybersecurity. Third, I pay the bills with contract work in IT - my most noteworthy client being the Energy Medicine Research Institute.

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The Virtues of Peace is produced by The Cora di Brazzà Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charitable foundation that is grateful for your support. Your support enables us to continue our work in the research and development of publications, events, podcasts and products that help to connect the public to the individuals, ideas and institutions of the Peace Through Law Movement. The Virtues of Peace is one of our initiatives, but is not the only one. You can earmark your donation for one of our initiatives or provide general support.

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à Foundation via PayPal. Just click on the "Donate" button to the left.
©2024 Hope Elizabeth May/The Cora di Brazzà Foundation